Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday blues

Well nothing much to report here. We have had a few days of cold rainy weather, a sharp contrast to the days we had last week reaching almost 80 on a few days. Those warm days are tricking me into wanting to plant stuff. We should only have one more cold snap before is officially warms up and spring arrives for real. Right now all of the spring flowers have started to peek out but sadly they will probably die once we get the predicted snow storm, a sad thing indeed.
I am looking forward to a monthly movie night on Wednesday. The Unitarain fellowship is hosting. The movie selection is "The Future of Food". I have not heard of it but I am sure it will be very informative and eye opening. There is free daycare provided and dinner is available for $5 a good deal indeed! How could I pass it up?
My productivity in the house cleaning dept has been pretty low. I am starting a spring purge, we own too much junk. Maybe when I don't feel so bogged down by my earthly possessions I can keep a tidier house.
I vowed to only go to the grocery store once this week...can you do it too?

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