Thursday, July 3, 2008


We are officially moved, I turned in our apt. keys today. We still have to pay rent for another month, unless our landlord finds someone who wants to move in right now, but we are outta there!
Here is my new baby:
The fridge that I blogged about our good fortune in price, I love it!
My other babies:
Well Gene is not really a baby he just thrown tantrums like one..haha
And my Dinner Menu for this evening:
Baked (wild caught) Salmon
Steamed snow peas(picked by moi)
Cheese and onion pierogies (made by moi)
A healthy meal with local/homemade connections, minus the unlocal salmon. OH Well a gal can only do so much!
This is a super easy supper, and I may even cook the salmon on the stovetop to avoid using the oven altogether. Have a great afternoon friends, I am off to make bagels and biscuits, darn I guess I will be using the oven after all....

1 comment:

grace said...

how exciting to be all moved in! we can't wait to come visit your new house :)