Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tues survived

Well I got through tues, with a few surprises. One extra daycare kid and my 8 o'clock kids brought to me at 6 instead.. busy super fun day. I love Lawrence, and I missed it so much when I was gone. This town puts on a hell of a was at least 2 hours long. I had to skip the end because the boys and I were getting fried in the 80 degree weather we had yesterday. I managed to have one beer..and that was it for livation for me. We had some good pizza, and lots of corned beef and cabbage. The kids enjoyed some green sugar cookies, and green hummus and bread. I made it home by 9pm with three in tow..bathed them all and put them to bed. The last two of the day were picked up by 10:30 and I put myself to bed.! More jam making this afternoon.

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