Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I rolled over and looked at the clock this morning.. 7:43. I slept in. I usually get up via my own alarm clock at around 6:30am. I got up and stumbled to the couch to watch what I have deemed the "fake news". The soft cushioned, spoon feeding kinds news that comes from watching the early news..I won't say which channel..but it has a white woman and a black woman anchors. Of course its just fluff that's on. Nothing concerning the real state of things. I get my helping and wonder into the kitchen to get my coffee. A cup of joe later, I get in a few quick streches and poses..before running to take my 2 minute shower and dress for the day. I dig thru the clean piles of laundry looking for something to wear. Dressed just in time to hear the knock on the door. The daycare is open for business.
I plan on dusting off my quilt project soon..remember the one I started a year ago?? That's the one.

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