Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday Blues

Well I still have illness, but I have had to put it aside. I had to wait for the inspector to come the the house and make sure the new furnace is okay. The window of time I was given was 8:30-11:30. They came at 11:30. In the meantime I painted Zach's room blue, per his request. I wanted to finish before I picked him up from school, but no such luck. He deceided to be my helper, but he spilled paint on the carpet and I had to send him packing. I finished the room, and now I just have to do the baseboards, I am going to go get some painting tape to protect the floor with.
Dinner is going to have to be something quick and easy. And I never did get around to making an actual menu. I am going to let it go only cause its moving week, and everything is willy nilly.

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